School Readiness Subsidies (SR) are State funds designed to reduce the cost of childcare for working families. SR funds are administered by the Early Learning Coalition (ELC) in which the parent resides – ELCIRMO for residents of Martin and Okeechobee Counties and ELCSLC for residents of St. Lucie County. YMCA’s Stuart and Indiantown childcare programs are contracted with both Coalitions, meaning residents of any Treasure Coast county may utilize their SR funds at these sites. YMCA’s St. Lucie County childcare programs are only contracted with ELCSLC, meaning only St. Lucie County residents may use SR funds at our SLC sites. Parents may apply online ( or or visit their local ELC office for assistance. YMCA does not have any influence in the application for, award of, or management of these funds.
- During the application process, parents are required to select a childcare provider. If YMCA is selected, we will receive an enrollment request from the ELC once the subsidy has been awarded. This is not a guarantee of enrollment at the YMCA. YMCA may accept or decline an enrollment based on available space and other factors. If a parent is applying for SR and expecting a childcare space at YMCA, we strongly suggest they contact us early in the application process.
- ELC families are expected to follow the same registration process as any other customer (online, deposits, etc.). If an ELC family needs assistance registering for a program or requires more ELC-specific information (cost, etc.) prior to registering, they should contact the Program Coordinator or Director before registering.
- ELC does not cover 100% of the tuition, nor is the “parent fee” or “co-pay” amount the only amount parents will be required to pay. In addition to parent fees and/or co-pays, the family is responsible for the “differential” – the difference between tuition and the amount covered by ELC. The amount covered by ELC varies from family to family and program to program. The Program Coordinator or Director can provide precise tuition cost once an ELC enrollment has been accepted by YMCA, but not before.
- ELC does not back date awards. If a family cannot afford tuition without the subsidy, then the family should wait until their award is finalized before attempting to register for YMCA programs.
- ELC has many rules and regulations, and it is the parent’s responsibility to ensure they maintain compliance. If a parent loses eligibility for the SR subsidy, YMCA is automatically notified, and full tuition will be charged.