The DRUMBEAT program at the YMCA of the Treasure Coast has been successfully scaled up and now reaches more than 90 students per year in Stuart and Indiantown. United Way – Martin funded DRUMBEAT for the Indiantown YMCA in 2017-2018. Since then, we have grown the program to the point that the CSCMC now uses data from it as the primary measure of our school-age program’s success in the area of social-emotional learning, and Martin County Parks & Rec is considering contracting with the YMCA to deliver the DRUMBEAT program to their Afterschool students!
This year United Way of St. Lucie County and Okeechobee has funded the Drumbeat program for our St. Lucie County afterschool.
At the YMCA, DRUMBEAT is delivered by trained staff members, as a component of the existing Before and After School and Summer Camp programs. DRUMBEAT is presented as 10 one-hour sessions, over a period of ten weeks, in groups of 15 or fewer children. Program success is evaluated using the Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale. In year one, 80% of students will achieve a post- Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale rating of Average or High Average; 70% will show at least a 20% gain in self-esteem in post vs pre scores on the Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale. DRUMBEAT training includes training in the assessment and its administration.